- To adopt a Logo for Indian Journalist like other professional have
their own logos and identifications.
- To promote and encourage the media people and to develop
capacity building, Execution and implementation of safety.
- To provide a channel for the expression of journalists.
- to promote the uses of standard laws and facilities for all media persons.
- to advice/suggest/appeal government and other bodies
regarding planning,execution,free transportation during news
coverage,safety & social securities legislation,& research
connected with media development,
- To hold periodical meetings to share & develop knowledge, seminars,
workshops, amongst the working journalists
- To suggest legislation for the development, improvement and
- To suggest improved methods of media.
- to establish, furnish and maintain Audio Visual libraries and museums
- To publish, or arrange for the publication of proceedings, journals,
periodicals, and other literature for the promotion of the objectives of
the IMC
- To build Media Bhavans state wise to accommodate facilities to
the media persons & their families in the country.